Brag Book + Gratitude Journal (July, 2023)

When our mindset is positive, everything we do becomes easier, more enjoyable and more meaningful. Yet we often can’t help but focus on the problems. It doesn't help that we live in a society that capitalizes on our insecurities. Add negative self-talk and critics at work and home, it's hardly surprising that many of us feel overwhelmed, despite being surrounded by abundance and opportunities. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed, despite the abundance of opportunities around us.

To counter this, I have a daily journal with two entries: one for my 'Brag Book', celebrating past achievements, and one for my 'Gratitude Journal', acknowledging what I'm thankful for. This gives me a home base where I am and have enough, while empowering me to go beyond my comfort zone and pursue what I truly want. So each month, I'll share a few entries to inspire you to remember your wins and appreciate what you have too.

😁 From the Brag Book

Context: I just launched two new big projects within two weeks of each other:

  1. Mind Map Gurus, a workshop-interview hybrid initiative showcasing top mapping experts and their techniques and…

  2. Hustle Launchpad, a program designed to help busy entrepreneurs bring to market a new passion business in as little as 8 weeks.

In the process, I’ve effectively become a podcaster and startup accelerator, two new roles that I’ve never done before.


I’m proud of how I’m diving straight into everything. I’m becoming something new across the board. Every week I’m growing by leaps and bounds because I’m pushing myself to the edge every day during this sprint. I’m constantly forced to adapt.

It feels scary and painful, because that’s how growth is.

I recognize it for what it is. That tension is who I want to become, and relaxation is who I am. These days, I’m constantly under tension, but that doesn’t stop me from going where I need to go.

Over the past few months, I have been validated many times by my clients and other coaches and consultants, that I’m one of the best in the world when it comes to mind mapping, project management and transforming chaos into order. Even though I’m still becoming, in many ways I’m simply stepping into who I am. The relaxation will come, sooner than later.

🥹 From the Gratitude Journal

Context: Working hard during sprints doesn’t mean burning ourselves out. Just like going to the gym, rest is critical for sustainability and fun. This is essentially important for work that we geniunely care about, otherwise sucks the soul out of what we do.


I appreciate the good sleep I got last night. It makes all the difference in the world. Today will be another massive day, but not as crazy as yesterday. I must give myself the space to relax. To recharge. Otherwise what I do turns from “want to’s” to “have to’s”, and honestly that sucks the life out of everything. I’m doing this because it’s fun and meaningful, so taking a breather and getting enough rest is really nice!

Over to you my friends, what are you proud and appreciative of?

I'd love to hear from you and include your wins and appreciation entries in the next newsletter.

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